Top 25 dog breeds good with cats

Cats and dogs are two of the most popular pets in the world. They are both social animals that need human companionship, so it is not surprising to see them living together.

Dogs and cats are usually not friends. They may seem to be getting along, but in reality, they often fight and get into fights. However, when introduced at a young age, they can get along just fine.

Some dog breeds have been specifically bred to get along with cats while other breeds have been bred to be aggressive towards them.

Top 25 dog breeds good with cats

1) Barbet

They are very sociable and friendly dogs, but they can also be playful. They tend to be good with other dogs and cats, but they can also get along with other types of animals.

The Barbet is a happy-go-lucky breed that loves to play, especially if there are children around! It has a lot of energy that needs to be used or it will become bored quickly.


2) Basset hound

Basset Hounds are one of the most popular breeds in the United States. They were originally bred to hunt small game and birds. The Basset Hound is a very affectionate, loyal, and intelligent dog that can be trained to be obedient.

Basset Hounds are a perfect breed for families with children because they love being around people and other pets. They are also good with cats if you have one in your family.

Basset hound
Basset hound and cats

3) Beagle

Beagles are known for their love of people and have a friendly personality. They are good with cats and other pets, too.

Beagles have a playful and affectionate nature that makes them good around children. They are also very intelligent, which makes them easy to train.

Beagle and cat
Beagle and cat

4) Bernese mountain dog

As the world’s oldest breed of dog, the Bernese mountain dog is a friendly, gentle and good-natured breed. This breed is also famously known for its ability to live with cats.

The Bernese mountain dogs are strong and sturdy dogs that are best suited for high altitude living. These dogs were originally bred in Switzerland to help farmers and shepherds with their work. They are known for their working abilities, intelligence, loyalty and sociability.

Bernese mountain dog
Bernese mountain dog an cat

5) Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a small fluffy dog that originated in the Basque Country of Spain. They are known to be friendly, playful and gentle.

Bichons are usually good with other pets and they can be trained to be good with cats as well.

Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise

6) Border collie

Border collies are friendly and sociable dogs that are good with cats, other pets, and children. They are also very intelligent animals.

Border collie is a breed of dog originating from the working farm dogs of Scotland in the 18th century. They were bred to hunt and herd sheep by herding them towards a flock of waiting shepherds who would then round them up.

Border collie
Border collie

7) Border terrier

Border Terriers are friendly and energetic dogs who are good with cats and other small pets. They are also known for being good with children, and they can be easily trained to do tricks like sit, shake hands, or roll over.

Border terriers are small, short-legged dogs with a fox-like look. They were originally bred to hunt foxes in the Scottish Highlands and were used for farm work.

Border terrier
Border terrier

8) Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a medium-sized, short-legged breed of dog. It was originally bred in the United States.

Boston Terriers are friendly and good with cats and other pets. They are known for their intelligence and willingness to please their owners. They can be stubborn at times but they have a great sense of humor that makes them lovable.

Boston Terriers come in different colors: black, brown, blue, cream, fawn, gray, liver, red or white.

Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier and cat

9) Bulldog

They are known for their great personality, which makes them a popular choice for households with other pets.

Bulldogs can be found in many different colors and sizes, but they all share the same amiable personality and love of people. They are also known to be good with cats and other small pets.

Bulldog and cat

10) Cardigan Welsh corgi

Cardigan Welsh corgi is a small dog breed that originated in the Cardiganshire region of Wales. The breed is known for being friendly, good with cats and other small animals, and also has a high intelligence level.

The Cardigan Welsh corgi’s coat changes colors depending on the season, usually going from dark brown to light brown in winter and dark red to light red in summer.

Cardigan Welsh corgi
Cardigan Welsh Corgi

11) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small dog that originated in England. It has a long, flat face and a soft, silky coat that comes in many colors.

They are known for their friendly, outgoing nature and their ability to get along with other pets. They are also good with kids and have a great sense of smell.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier king charles spaniels

12) Cocker spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel originated in England, but they are now found all over the world. They are good-natured and friendly dogs who are also good with cats and other pets.

The Cocker Spaniel is a small, brindle-colored dog with a distinctive black mask. The head of the breed has been described as “a cross between that of an otter and that of a fox” due to its distinct facial features.

Cocker spaniel
Cocker spaniel and cat

13) Collie

Collies are known to be good with cats and other small pets. They are also friendly, curious, and intelligent.

Collies originated in Scotland and have been bred for centuries to be good with sheep. They are often used as a companion dog for people who live in rural areas or want a versatile dog that is capable of working with livestock and hunting small game.

Collie and cat
Collie and cat

14) German shepherds

German shepherds are a type of herding dog that originated in Germany. They are known as the best companion dogs and are often referred to as “the friendliest dog in the world.”

German shepherds were originally bred to herd sheep and cattle, but they have also been used for hunting, police work, search and rescue, herding livestock, guarding property, and helping people with disabilities.

German shepherds are very friendly with other pets like cats and other dogs! They can be excellent around children as well!

German shepherds and cat
German shepherds and cat

15) Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are a type of retriever that originated in Scotland and England. They are friendly, good with cats and other pets, but are also protective of their owners.

Golden Retrievers have been around for hundreds of years. They were originally bred by the Scottish aristocracy to hunt waterfowl like ducks and geese during the winter months. 

Golden Retriever and cat
Golden Retriever and cat

16) Greyhound

Greyhounds are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and speed. They make great pets for people who love the outdoors because they love to run.

Greyhounds are a breed of dog that has its origins in the 18th century. They were bred to hunt hares and foxes in packs with their speed and agility. Greyhounds are gentle with cats and other pets. They make great companions because they are friendly and good with children as well as other dogs.

Greyhound and cat
Greyhound and cat

17) Irish setter

The Irish setter is one of the most popular breeds of dogs in the world. They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and playfulness.

The Irish setter has a friendly personality and is good with cats and other pets. It is also a hunting dog, which means it will work for hours to find prey.

Irish Setter

18) Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is a breed of dog that was originally bred for hunting. The dogs have been used for their ability to retrieve game from water and land. 

Labrador Retrievers are also good with cats and other pets, making them a perfect fit for families looking for an animal companion that will get along with their current pet or those who want to adopt an animal without having to worry about potential issues like aggression from their new pet.

Labrador Retriever

19) Maltese

The Maltese is a small, fluffy dog with a long, silky coat. It has a friendly personality and is good with other pets like cats and hamsters.

The Maltese is known as one of the best breeds for apartment living because they are not very active indoors but are very energetic when outdoors.

Maltese and cat
Maltese and cat

20) Newfoundland

Newfoundland is a breed of dog that originated in Newfoundland, Canada. These dogs are known for their friendly personality, good with cats and other pets, and ability to be trained easily.

Newfoundland was originally bred to pull fishermen’s nets and help haul the fish from the boats back on shore. They were also used as a working dog – pulling carts and sleds. Newfoundlands are also known for being good with children, who often find them to be especially gentle.

Newfoundland and cat
Newfoundland and cat

21) Papillon

The Papillon dog is a small dog with a long, curly coat and a tail that curls over its back. They are friendly and good with other pets, but they can be difficult to train.

The Papillon is a French word meaning “butterfly.” This may have been derived from the appearance of the coat or because the dogs were considered beautiful in their day. The name “Papillon” was first used in France in 1885 by Jean-Baptiste Lenglet-Dufresnoy.

Small breed Papillon dog

22) Poodle

The poodle is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It was originally bred as a water retriever by French fishermen who wanted to create a dog that could swim after fish without making a mess on the deck.

Poodles have a gentle, sweet, and amiable personality that makes them very popular with children. They are also known for being very good with cats and other pets.


23) Pug

Pugs are very intelligent dogs that get bored easily, so they need to be kept active with lots of play time. They don’t like to be alone for long periods of time so it is important to have them interact with other animals or humans on a regular basis

Pug breeds are typically low-shedding, making them suitable for homes with allergies or asthma sufferers.

Pug and cat
Pug and cat

24) Shetland sheepdog

The Shetland sheepdog is a breed of dog that originated in the Shetland Islands of Scotland. They are known to be friendly, good with cats, and other pets.

They are also known to have a strong sense of smell and they can be trained to find lost people or animals.

The Sheltie is a friendly, intelligent breed that makes them great companions for children and adults alike.

25) Tibetan spaniel

Tibetan spaniel is a breed of dog that originated in Tibet. They are friendly, good with cats, and other pets. They are also known for their intelligence and eagerness to please their owners.

Tibetan spaniels were used as watchdogs because of their sharp senses. They were also bred to hunt foxes, which they can do from the time they are six weeks old.

Tibetan spaniel
Tibetan spaniel

Published by

Henry Mark

Mark, the Editor at, is a recognized authority on dog breeds, naming, nutrition, and overall canine care. He holds a degree in veterinary medicine from the agricultural institute.