German Shepherd Dog Breed Information & Characteristics

German shepherd dogs are noble, diligent, loyal, Obedient, Curious, Loyal, Alert and highly intelligent dogs. Below are the information and characteristics of the breed GSD.

German shepherds can be very gentle companions and guardians with proper training and socialization. This is an ideal breed for active households. The breed’s intelligence and protective demeanor can make it a good choice for families with children as long as the dog is properly trained.

The German Shepherd Dog has a rather low maintainability associated with haircuts, leashes and encourages obedience, this breed can be maintained high in resistance to shedding, requires activity and anxiety. about separation.

Here is detailed information about the characteristics of the 3rd smart dog in the world.

History/OriginThe German Shepherd originated in Germany in 1899. The breed was actually created by the cross breeding of working sheep dogs from rural Germany. They are working dogs developed originally for herding and guarding sheep.
HuntingThe German Shepherd dog breed is not a gundog breed at all.
Recognized by the AKCThe German Shepherd Dog is the AKC’s 60th breed and was recognized in 1908.
Guide DogA German Shepherd Guide Dog is a.
The German Shepherd Dog is a medium to large working breed dog native to Germany.
The German Shepherd Dog is a medium to large working breed dog native to Germany.


HeadLarge but in proportion to the body, with length about 40% of the dog’s height at the withers, without being clumsy or overly long.
Tail TypeGSD have erect ears, most are black and tan, black and red, or sable, all have long tails.
Muzzle & noseGerman Shepherds have a very good sense of smell because they have 225 million scent receptors.
Ear TypeGerman Shepherds are born with floppy ears. By 16-20 weeks, the cartilage in the ear has become stiff and strong enough for the ear to stand permanently.
TongueGerman Shepherds may have pink, black-spotted tongues. Tongue color may be affected by melanin. They don’t have green blades like Chow Chow.
TeethGerman Shepherd Dogs start with just 28 teeth and as an adult they will have 42. The teething period usually lasts 4 to 5 months.
Eyes ShapeThe eyes are of medium size, almond shaped, slightly oblique and not protruding. The vast majority of adult German Shepherds have a brown eye color, they can see colors in the yellow and blue spectrum quite well.
FootThe German Shepherd paws are rounded, short toes with thick pads, well-closed, webbed feet and arched.
Body LengthBody length of 36.0″-42.5″ (91-108 cm).
Wrinkles & FoldsNo
HeightMale: 60–65 cm, Female: 55–60 cm
WeightMale: 30–40 kg, Female: 22–32 kg

Feathers and colors

Coat ColorBlack, Sable, Black & Tan, Red & Black, Grey, Black & Silver. German Shepherd dogs will change their coat color fairly consistently from the time they are born until they are about 2 years old.
SheddingThe German Shepherd Dog is moderately shedding year round, especially and fall and summer.
Hair DensityThey have thin, short, and soft feathers. The average length of the coat is 1 to 2 inches.
GroomingBecause they shed a lot of hair, you need to groom them regularly. At least 2 times per week and per day for two periods of heavy shedding in spring and fall.
The German shepherds are very cute
The German shepherds are very cute

All Around Friendliness

Child friendlyThey are great with kids.
FriendlinessGerman shepherds may not be too friendly with strangers, but for known faces, they make an ideal companion.
They like to cuddleMost German Shepherds love to cuddle and show affection for their owners.
Calm downGerman Shepherds will usually be a bit calmer as they get older between 6 months and 3 years of age. Exercise is the key to calm them down.

Other pet friendly

Compatibility with other dogThe German Shepherd Dog blends in with all other breeds including smaller dogs.
Compatibility with other petsThey’ll get along well with most other pets.


Energy levelGerman Shepherds usually have a high energy level.
BarkingGSD bark a lot so it needs proper training and socialization.
JumpMost German Shepherds can jump 4 to 6 feet high.If trained and it is excited, they can jump up to 10 feet.
SwimGerman shepherd dogs can swim because they are athletic athletes and strong swimmers. However, they are not specially bred for swimming.
Running speedGerman Shepherds can run about 30 to 32 miles per hour(or about 48 kph).
Smelling abilityThe German Shepherd Dog has 225 million scent receptors. They can detect scent over a mile on land, up to 40 feet below ground and in 80 feet of water!
German Shepherd Dogs can withstand cold weather well.
German Shepherd Dogs can withstand cold weather well


Tolerance to coldGerman Shepherd Dogs can withstand cold weather well (even as low as -10 to -15 degrees Fahrenheit for a short time).
Tolerance to hotGerman Shepherd Dogs perform well in hot weather as long as there is shade and cold water.They can withstand temperatures as hot as 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Affinity to waterShort
Kennel sizeThe German Shepherd Dog needs a cage size of about 42 inches. The dimensions of the barrels are traditional 42L x 28W x 31H.


Life Span9 – 13 years
Veterinarian VisitsTry to make it every 6 months, but once per year as a minimum.
Prone to ObesityGerman Shepherd Dogs rarely get obese.
Therapy DogThe German Shepherd Dog is one of the best therapeutic breeds
AllergiesGerman Shepherd is often allergic to itchy skin. The feet, abdomen, skin folds, and ears are most often affected. Allergies are often caused by food or environmental factors, including mold, pollen and seasonal allergies.
Common diseaseSome of the more common diseases that the German Shepherd Dog is at risk of developing are hip and elbow dysplasia, polymyalgia, Epilepsy, Hemophilia, Diabetes, Cataracts and arthritis.
A strong sense of loyalty and protective instincts make the German Shepherd a good guard dog.
A strong sense of loyalty and protective instincts make the German Shepherd a good guard dog.


LoyalThe German Shepherd Dog has a particularly strong sense of loyalty. They not only protect the owner but also all members of the family. A strong sense of loyalty and protective instincts make the German Shepherd a good guard dog.
Cheerful, eagerYes


BiteThe German Shepherd had a bite force of 269 pounds of pressure. With this biting force, they stand second to Rottweilers.
DroolingGerman shepherds often drool under certain circumstances such as heat, unforeseen food, anxiety, problems with teeth and gums, something caught in the teeth, eating or licking something poison and disease.
Lick a lotYour German Shepherd can lick you a lot possibly grooming and affectionate.
Causes bad odorsThey often smell bad. The bad smell is usually a sign of a yeast infection that often develops in the ears or feet.
NoisyThey are usually quiet. However, their barking sounds 86 decibels. Other tests have shown that some German shepherd dogs can even make sounds as loud as 106 decibels.
FerociousThey are often aggressive when protecting their families and owners.
SleepAbout 12 hours to a maximum of 14 hours a day.

Nurturing and caring

FoodsThe best diet for them is a high-quality protein-rich one made up of 18-22% protein.
FeedingGerman Shepherds usually eat 2 times a day, each eat about 2.5 to 3.5 cups.
BathGerman Shepherds do not need to be bathed often, preferably only once every 3-4 months (or 2-3 times a year).


MatingFemale German shepherd dogs should be mated after 2 years of age. After 8 years, you should not mate.
Male German Shepherd Dogs are fertile after six months of age and reach full sexual maturity after 12 to 15 months. Adult males can mate at any time and can maintain for up to 10 years.
Pregnancy periodNormally ranges from 57-65 days with an average of 63 days(or 9 weeks) from conception.
Litter SizeTheir usual nest size is about 8 puppies. When most German Shepherd dogs are born, the first puppy will be a male.
Mixs1. German Pomeranian = Breeding from German Shepherd and Pomeranian 
2. Boxer Shepherd = Breeding from German Shepherd and Boxer 
3. Dachshund Shepherd = Breeding from German Shepherd and Dachshund 
4. German Shar Pei = Breeding from German Shepherd and Chinese Shar Pei 
5. Golden Shepherd = Breeding from German Shepherd and Golden Retriever 
6. Greyhound Shepherd = Breeding from German Shepherd and Greyhound 
7. Malinois X = Breeding from German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois 
8. Mastiff Shepherd = Breeding from German Shepherd and Mastiff 
9. New Shep = Breeding from German Shepherd and Newfoundland 
10. Shepadoodle = Breeding from German Shepherd and Poodle
German Shepherds are docile, easier to train than other breeds.
German Shepherds are docile, easier to train than other breeds.


IntelligenceThe German Shepherd is considered the third most intelligent breed in the world as well as one of the easiest to train.
TrainingGerman Shepherds are docile, easier to train than other breeds. They perform well in training tasks, obey training.

Price and cost of farming

PriceOn average, the cost of a German Shepherd ranges from $500-$1,500. The high cost of SHED is due to the expensive cost of breeding and raising. Prices vary by region and their purity.
Cost of farmingThe average cost of raising a German Shepherd is 1,200 – $ 1,500 a year.

Published by

Henry Mark

Mark, the Editor at, is a recognized authority on dog breeds, naming, nutrition, and overall canine care. He holds a degree in veterinary medicine from the agricultural institute.