Finding nautical names for female, male dogs is not an easy task. Discover best and funny nautical dog names: Skipper, Captain, Splash, Stripes …
There are countless terms that refer to topics nautical , but we have narrowed them down to list only those that would make a great dog name.
Exploring nautical dog names is not only fun, it can be educational. Names on this list are perfect for those who love the water, boat, fish, sun and surf, enjoy fishing or boating.
A list of dog names inspired by beach and ocean. Here is the ultimate list of nautical dog names for your male or female puppy.
Best nautical dog names
- Matey
- Skipper
- Ahab
- Atlantis
- Bikini
- Clipper
- Commander
- Fisher
- Nemo
- Poseidon
- Surfer
- Zale
- Admiral
- Ahoy
- Anchor
- Astern
- Arctic
- Bailer
- Henry
- Helm
Nautical dog names with “A”
- Adirondack
- Admiral
- Ahab
- Ahoy
- Alee
- Alpha
- Anchor
- Anka
- Annie
- Apex
- Aqua
- Arctic
- Ariel
- Armada
- Astern
- Atlantic
- Atlantis
- Awning
Nautical dog names with “B”
- Bahama
- Bailer
- Bait
- Baleen
- Ballast
- Baltic
- Banyan
- Barge
- Barnacle
- Barque(or bark)
- Barrel man
- Bass
- Batten
- Battleship
- Bay
- Bay liner
- Bayou
- Beach
- Beachy
- Beacon
- Beam
- Bear
- Bearing
- Beaufort
- Bell
- Bennington
- Bermuda
- Berth
- BH(for “boathouse”)
- Bight
- Bikini
- Billy Budd
- Bimini
- Biminis
- Binnacle
- Bitsy
- Bitt
- Black Beard
- Bligh
- Block
- Blue
- Bluto
- Boat
- Boat Boy
- Boatwright
- Bob
- Botfly
- Bobstay
- Boom
- Boomer
- Boomkin
- Bo-po (for “boat police”)
- Bosun
- Bounty
- Bow
- Bower
- Bowers
- Bowie
- Bowman
- Bravo
- Breezy
- Bridge
- Brig
- Bubbles
- Buckeye
- Bugeye
- Bulkhead
- Bulwark
- Bunker
- Buoy
- Burgee
- Busy Bee
Nautical dog names with “C”
- Cadet
- Canal
- Canoe
- Captain
- Captain
- Hookor
- Hook
- Carena
- Cargo
- Castaway
- Catalina
- Catamaran
- Catch
- Catfish
- Cattail
- Chaise
- Chaparral
- Checkmate
- Chris Craft
- Chocks
- Cleat
- Cliff
- Clinton
- Clipper
- Club
- Coast(or Coastal)
- Cocktail
- Columbus
- Commodore
- Commander
- Commodore
- Compass
- Convoy
- Cooler
- Coral
- Corinthian
- Corona
- Corporal
- Corsair
- Corvette
- Cottage
- Crab
- Crew
- Crewler
- Cringle
- Crosswind
- Crownline
- Cruise
- Cruiser
- Cutter
- Cutty
Nautical dog names with “D”
- Davit
- Decker
- Decky
- DelMar
- Destroyer
- Detour
- Dinghy
- Dingy
- Diver
- Doc
- Dock
- Dodger
- Dora
- Dory
- Drifter
- Duck
- Dunkie
Nautical dog names with “E”
- Ed Helms
- Elgin
- Elni No
- Ensign
- Erie
- Escape
- Express
Nautical dog names with “F”
- Farragut
- Fender
- Ferry
- Fiddly
- Fin
- FirstMate
- Fish
- Fisher
- Fishery
- Flip-Flop
- Flipper
- Float
- Floats
- Flotsam
- Flounder
- Forest
- Freedom
- FriendSHIP
- Frigate
Nautical dog names with “G”
- Gaffs
- Gallant
- Galleon
- Galley
- Gary
- Gill
- Gilligan
- Goose
- Grog
- Guard
- Gunner
- Gunter
- Guppy
Nautical dog names with “H”
- Halliard
- Hammerhead
- Hank
- Happy (for “happy hour”)
- Harbor
- Haul
- Haven
- Helm
- Helmsman
- Henry(Morgan)
- Hermit(Crab)
- Herring
- Hitch
- Hook
- Horatio
- Hudson
- Hulk
- Hurricane
- Hut
Nautical dog names with “I”
- Ice
- Ironclad
- Island
- Isle
Nautical dog names with “J”
- Jack
- Jack(Sparrow)
- Jacques
- Jason
- Jaws
- Jetsam
- Jetty
- Jib
- Jolly Roger
- Journey
Nautical dog names with “K”
- Kayak
- Keel
- Keelie
- Kent
- Key West
- Killer
- Knot
- Knots
Nautical dog names with “L”
- Lach
- Lagoon
- Lake
- Laker
- Landing
- Lanyard
- Latitude
- Launch
- Lazar
- Lee
- Leech
- Lift
- Lighthouse
- Lilly Pad
- Lil Yachty
- Lita
- Lodge
- Longitude
Nautical dog names with “N”
- Narrow
- Nautica
- Nautical
- Naval or Navy
- Navin
- Nemo
- Neptune
- Nessie
- Niche
- Nipper
- NS(for “no shoes”)
Nautical dog names with “O”
- Oaks
- Oakum
- Ocean
- Old Man
- Oops
- Orca
- Ore
- Oscar
- Otter
Nautical dog names with “P”
- Pacific
- Paddle
- Park
- Patrick
- Pearl
- Pelican
- Perch
- Peter
- Pibs
- Picnic
- Pier
- Piersor Pierre
- Pilot
- Pirate
- Pointe
- Pontoon
- Pool
- Popeye
- Port
- Porter
- Portia
- Poseidon
- Privateer
- Propeller
- Puddle
- Puffer
Nautical dog names with “Q”
- Queenie
- Queequeg
Nautical dog names with “R”
- Radar
- Raft
- Regal
- Regatta
- Relax
- Resort
- Rinker
- River
- Rivers
- Rocky
- Romper
- Ropes
- Rower
- Rudder
- Ruddy
Nautical dog names with “S”
- Sail
- Sailor
- Sails
- Salmon
- Saltie
- Salty
- Sand
- SandBar
- SandDollar
- Sandusky
- Sandy
- Sardine
- Sasheer
- Schooner
- Scuba
- Scuttles
- Seaman
- Sea-sea
- SeeDoo
- Shack
- Shamu
- Shark
- Sharky
- Shippy
- Shore
- Shorsey
- Shot
- Shrimp
- Shuttle
- Sinbad
- Sinker
- Ski
- Skipjack
- Skipper
- Sky
- Smoked
- Snorkel
- Snotty
- Sonar
- Spanky
- Sparrow
- Spillway
- Spinnaker
- Splash
- SpongeBob
- Sprinkles
- Star
- Starboard
- Stemson
- Stevey
- Steward
- Stormy
- Stripes
- Stumpy
- Sub
- Submarine
- Sundancer
- Sunny
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Surfer
- Swabs
- Swimmer
Nautical dog names with “T”
- Tackey
- Tackle
- Tacky
- Taffy
- Tank
- Tanker
- Tanlines
- Tender
- Tequila
- Tide
- Tiller
- Timber
- Titanic
- Torpedo
- Tracks
- Trap
- Trim
- Triton
- Tropical
- Trout
- Tug
- Tuna
- Turtle
- Typhoon
Nautical dog names with “V”
- Vasco
- Vessel
- Vest
- Victor
- View
- Villa
- Voyager
Nautical dog names with “W”
- Wake
- Walrus
- Walty
- Waters
- Waves
- Whaler
- Whaler
- Wharf
- Whips
- White Cap
- Wind ward
- Windy
- Winterize
Nautical dog names with “Y”
- Yacht
- Yamaha
Nautical dog names with “Z”
- Zabra
- Zale
- Zephyr