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Looking for the unique name for your new dog? Whether you prefer classic or unique, here’s 500 popular unique boy dog names to choose from.
Choosing the best dog name, just like choosing the perfect dog sitter, is a fun and important task for every pet parent. Luckily, we’ve put together a few great options for you.
Try and stick with short names with difficult consonants, names like Alfie that are quite common and easy to understand for dogs. A shorter name can make it easier to scream quickly and get your dog’s attention. At the end of the day, you also need to feel comfortable screaming across the fields.
Avoid names that are very close to commands (no, sit, stay, wait, come, etc.), names like Joe or Kit sound very close to ‘no’ and ‘sit’ and will confuse your dog.
But if you’re confused by a great dog name, Here are some ideas for ‘cool’ unique boy dog names.
Top 200 unique boy dog names
Here are the top 200 boy puppy names in the country right now
Abbott | Aslan | Blade | Burke |
Abe | Aspen | Blaine | Burris |
Abel | Astro | Blaise | Buster |
Abraham | Atlas | Blake | Butler |
Abram | Atmos | Blayden | Byron |
Ace | Atticus | Blaze | Cadbury |
Adair | Auden | Bob | Caleb |
Adam | August | Boden | Callum |
Addie | Austin | Bodhi | Carl |
Adler | Austyn | Bohdi | Carlo |
Aesop | Avalon | Bone | Carmela |
Aida | Avantee | Boomer | Carson |
Aiden | Avery | Boone | Carus |
Alba | Avi | Boris | Caruso |
Albert | Axel | Bosco | Cary |
Albertus | Axel/Axl | Boscoe | Carzan |
Albus | Axelly | Boston | Casper |
Aldean | Axford | Bowers | Cecil |
Alec | Axton | Boyd | Cedric |
Alistair | Ayden | Bradley | Charlie |
Alvin | Bailey | Bradyn | Cherub |
Amaya | Balthazar | Bram | Cinder |
Ambrose | Bandit | Branson | Clark |
Amos | Banjo | Brantley | Clayton |
Anders | Bannar | Braxton | Clifford |
Andrè | Barney | Braythe | Clinton |
Andres | Barrett | Breccan | Clive |
Andrew | Bastian | Breckett | Clyde |
Andromeda | Bauer | Brennan | Cody |
Angus | Baxter | Brennon | Cole |
Anson | Bayler | Brett | Collins |
Anton | Beans | Briar | Colombo |
Apollo | Bear | Brice | Cora |
April | Beatrice | Bridger | Corbin |
Arbor | Beau | Briggs | Cozmo |
Archer | Bebe | Brock | Cree |
Archibald | Beef | Brodley | Crew |
Archie | Bellamy | Brody | Crush |
Arden | Bellatrix | Bronx | Curtis |
Ari | Benjamin | Brooklyn | Dakota |
Arian | Benji | Brooks | Dale |
Aristotle | Bennett | Brownie | Dalton |
Arlo | Benny | Bruce | Damian |
Armie | Benson | Bruno | Damper |
Arnold | Bentley | Bryan | Damson |
Arrow | Benvineto | Bryson | Damzel |
Arthur | Bill | Buddha | Dan |
Asher | Billie | Buddy | Danbury |
Ashley | Billy | Buffy | Dandy |
Ashton | Bitty | Bugsy | Daniel |
Top 352 unique male dog names
But if you’re at a loss for a great dog name, here are the top 352 boy puppy names in the country right now.
Danilo | Hercules | Lupin | Roderick |
Dante | Herman | Luxor | Roland |
Darcy | Hermes | Lyle | Ron |
Dart | Hermione | Lynx | Ronin |
Dax | Hipster | Mac | Ross |
Dean | Horace | Mack | Rue |
Dewei | Howard | Maddox | Russell |
Dewey | Hubert | Maestro | Ryder |
Diamond | Hugh | Malfoy | Saber |
Django | Huxley | Marcel | Saint |
Dobby | Inky | Marigold | Samson |
Donny | Ira | Marion | Sanchez |
Doris | Irvin | Marley | Sandy |
Dottie | Ivan | Marmalade | Sawyer |
Dragon | Jack/Jak | Maurice | Scout |
Drew | Jackson | Maverick | Seamus |
Dude | Jaime | Max | Shane |
Eagan | Jake | Maximus | Shaw |
Eagle | Jase | Maynard | Sheba |
Eason | Jasper | Meatball | Sheldon |
Eclipse | Jax | Meera | Shiva |
Edward | Jay | Meow | Sierra |
Egan | Jayden | Merida | Silas |
Elian | Jayson | Mew | Simba |
Ellio | Jazz | Meyer | Sirius |
Ellis | Jean | Milo | Sky |
Elon | Jeffrey | Milton | Skyler |
Emerson | Jeremiah | Minerva | Socrates |
Emery | Jeremy | Minuet | Sonny |
Emperor | Jermaine | Mixie | Speedy |
Ernest | Jesse | Monte | Sprocket |
Ethan | Jessie | Mookie | Stan |
Eva | Jet | Moon | Steven |
Evan | Jiji | Moose | Sunshine |
Evie | Jimmy | Mufasa | Suri |
Falcon | Joey | Murphy | Sylvia |
Felix | Joker | Murray | Tallulah |
Fenris | Jonas | Nacho | Ted |
Fidel | Josi | Nathan | Thumper |
Fin | Juju | Nelson | Tiberius |
Finn | Jupiter | Neo | Timber |
Fitzgerald | Kadon | Niles | Timmy |
Fitzhugh | Kai | Nimbus | Tink |
Fletcher | Kalen | Ninja | Titan |
Flint | Kapono | Nixon | Toast |
Floyd | Katerina | Norman | Tobin |
Flyer | Katie | Nox | Tonks |
Flynn | Kato | O’Malley | Tony |
Ford | Keanu | Oakley | Tracy |
Fox | Kimono | Odin | Triton |
Frankie | King | Oliver | Truman |
Franklin | Kip | Ollie | Trust |
Frida | Kira | Omar | Trusty |
Frito | Klaus | Opal | Tuck |
Gabriel | Kobe | Orange | Tucker |
Galant | Koda | Oreo | Turbo |
Galileo | Kona | Orion | Tux |
Garfield | Kovu | Oscar | Twister |
Gazer | Kye | Oswald | Twyla |
Geenie | Lara | Otis | Tyra |
Genius | Lars | Ozzie | Ursa |
Gentleman | Lawrence | Ozzy | Vance |
Gerald | Lawson | Pacino | Vinnie |
Gerry | Lee | Paco | Virgil |
Ghost | Leela | Zeus/Zues | Virginia |
Gibson | Legend | Ziggy | Waldo |
Goofy | Lemmy | Zorro/Zoro | Warren |
Gordy | Leo | Zuko | Wayne |
Gray | Leon | Zuzu | Weasley |
Grayson | Leona | Perry | Wells |
Greyson | Leroy | Petey | Wesley |
Growler | Levar | Phoenix | Wexford |
Gryffindor | Levi | Pippin | Wicker |
Hachi | Lewis | Poet | Wilbur |
Hadley | Lex | Porter | Wilder |
Hamilton | Lincoln | Prince | William |
Hamlet | LittleBit | Quick | Willson |
Hank | Logan | Rafael | Wilson |
Hansen | Lois | Rajah | Windsor |
Hanson | Loki | Rambo | Woodrow |
Happy | Lolliepop | Ramona | Woody |
Harley | Lonnie | Reginald | Wren |
Harold | Lou | Rehan | Wyatt |
Harris | Louie | Rey | Yoshi |
Harrison | Louise | Reynolds | Zara |
Hayden | Luca | Richie | Zeke |
Hector | Lucius | River | Zeppelin |
Henry | Luke | Rocky | Zero |