Husky sleep – 11 things to know

Huskies are renowned for sleeping between 12-16 hours a day. Place your Husky in the crate at night for night sleeping.  Try to wear him out a bit with some playtime before bed. 

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

1. Do huskies sleep a lot?

Huskies are renowned for sleeping between 12-16 hours a day. These hours usually extend throughout the night and include plenty of day time naps. But if you are finding that your Husky won’t sleep as well at night, there might be a few things that you could do.

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

2. How do I get my Husky to sleep?

Place your Husky in the crate at night for night sleeping. Try to wear him out a bit with some playtime before bed. If he needs to go potty during the night, take him but place him back. If he’s whining to whine, give him a treat during a quiet spell and then ignore him.

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

3. Where should Huskies sleep at night?

The Nighttime Sleep Method. Be sure to put your Husky’s crate in a place where he will be comfortable sleeping at night. You may want your Husky in or near your bedroom or in a quieter area of the house or even a popular family room area.

4. Why do huskies sleep under the bed?

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

The most common reason for this is the comfort. Dogs love small spaces because they feel contained, which is enjoyable for relaxation.Your dog will always want to feel safe and sometimes, underneath the bed is the safest place for them.

5. Where should my husky sleep?

Be sure to put your Husky’s crate in a place where he will be comfortable sleeping at night. You may want your Husky in or near your bedroom or in a quieter area of the house or even a popular family room area. Either way, be sure you can hear your Husky if he’s a puppy and is still potty training.

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

6. Do Huskies like to sleep?

Like all animals, Huskies get tired. Because they are such an energetic breed, they need to sleep and rest after each burst of energy so that they can recover. They sleep so much throughout each day because they are tired after expending so much energy.

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

7. Should Huskies sleep outside?

So your Husky can stay outside, even in cold weather, as long as he is acclimatized and his internal furnace well stoked (that means well fed) and his fur coat full and prepared for the weather. In Alaska and Canada, Huskies frequently live and sleep outside in temperatures of -40 degrees Fahrenheit or colder.

8. Why is my husky puppy sleeping all day?

Your puppy may nap every hour or so, sleeping from 30 minutes to as long as two hours. All of this sleep is perfectly normal. Recognize overtired behavior. No matter how much fun you’re having, don’t let him get overtired.

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

9. How many hours do Husky sleep for?

The average can change from breed to breed but most adult dogs will sleep anywhere between 8 to 13.5 hours a day. Dogs spend a big part of their day either sleeping or relaxing. Apart from the fact that they experience much less REM sleep time than us, they are also balls of energy when they are active.

10. Can a Husky puppy sleep all night?

Husky sleep | Huskies sleep
Husky sleep | Huskies sleep

Most puppies will sleep through the night by the time they’re about 4 months (16 weeks) old. But with some help, diligence, and proactive training, you may be able to get your puppy there even earlier!

11. Do huskies sleep more in the winter?

There are a few reasons for your dog’s increase in sleep during the winter. The first is the increased production of melatonin. Like humans, dogs produce melatonin. Therefore, when dogs are producing more melatonin due to dark winter conditions, they are going to sleep more.

Published by

Henry Mark

Mark, the Editor at, is a recognized authority on dog breeds, naming, nutrition, and overall canine care. He holds a degree in veterinary medicine from the agricultural institute.