Dog names with H | Dog names that start with H

If you’re on the search to name your new pooch, you may want to start near the top of the alphabet with dog names that start with H.

Regardless of your reason for selecting a dog name that starts with “H” the name that you ultimately choose should flow off the tongue easily. Ready for some dog names Beginning with “H” Read on for great names for girl dogs, boy dogs, cute, cool, or unique dogs, small dogs, large dogs, and dogs that are any combination of these!

This list has both popular male and female dog names, and should give you plenty of inspiration to help you get started in picking out the perfect name for your dog. From Hachi to Harry, here’s 83 dog names that start with H.

boy dog names that start with H
Boy dog names that start with H

Dog names with H | Dog names that start with H

  1. Hachi
  2. Haddi
  3. Hades
  4. Hadley
  5. Hagler
  6. Hagrid
  7. Hairy Pawter
  8. Halle
  9. Halona
  10. Hamlet
  11. Hamlin
  12. Hammerhead
  13. Han Solo
  14. Hank
  15. Hannibal
  16. Hansel
  17. Hanson
  18. Happy
  19. Harald
  20. Harley
  21. Harold
  22. Harper
  23. Harrison
  24. Harry
  25. Haruki
  26. Harvey
  27. Hashtag
  28. Hattie
  29. Haven
  30. Havisham
  31. Hawkeye
  32. Hayden
  33. Hayes
  34. Hazel
  35. Hearns
  36. Heathcliff
  37. Heather
  38. Hecuba
  39. Hel
  40. Helen
  41. Helena
  42. Hemingway
  43. Hendrix
  44. Henry
  45. Hensely
  46. Hera
  47. Herc
  48. Hercules
  49. Herja
  50. Hermès
  51. Hermione
  52. Hero
  53. Heroine
  54. Hester
  55. Hewitt
  56. Hilda
  57. Himalayas
  58. Hinto
  59. Hobart
  60. Hobbes
  61. Hobbit
  62. Hokama
  63. Holden
  64. Holliday
  65. Holly
  66. Holmes
  67. Homer
  68. Honey
  69. Honor
  70. Hooch
  71. Huan
  72. Huck
  73. Huckleberry
  74. Hudson
  75. Hugh
  76. Hui
  77. Hulk
  78. Hunter
  79. Huntley
  80. Huntress
  81. Hutch
  82. Huxley
  83. Hyrrokkin