A comprehensive list of thousands of Akita names is composed in an easy manner to facilitate dog lovers.
The Akita is an ancient and noble breed. In the past they were raised to protect royalty and nobility in Japan. Akita Inu was declared a National Natural Treasure and National Anthem of Japan in 1931.
The value of this breed is hidden in the personality and spirit as a Samurai swordsman. Calm, fearless and ready to face danger. But it is very friendly, affectionate with people and always ready to fight to protect its owner and family.
The most basic colors for Akita dogs include: reddish brown, yellow, mottled and white. Based on the coat color of the Akita dog, many dogs can choose the names that match their color.
Akita has a stocky, well-proportioned body, strong tendons, and is very impressive. The head is large, the forehead is flat and the jaws are short but strong. Based on their personalities, you can choose names that reflect strength and intelligence.
Here is a list of 560 most common akita dog names you can choose from.
Top 560 Most popular Akita dog names
Aldin | Dagobert | Katie | Reba |
Bellary | Dai | Kayden | Rebecca |
Donnell | Daiki | Kazuki | Ren |
Edgard | Daisy | Kellen | Riko |
Edwaldo | Dakota | Kenji | Riku |
Escanor | Damen | Keona | Riley |
Flinn | Damian | Kiefer | Rina |
Jarret | Damon | Kiko | Rocky |
Lin | Deacon | Kimi | Rogue |
Lueius | Demetrius | Kimiko | Rosh |
Noble | Denes | Kin | Roth |
Oreal | Dennis | Kishi | Roxy |
Osbart | Deo | Kit | Ruby |
Weber | Dexter | Kiyoshi | Rudy |
Whitmoor | Diana | Kodak | Rufus |
Winthorp | Diego | Kozma | Rusty |
Abby | Dieter | Krischnan | Ryo |
Ace | Dion | Kuma | Ryoko |
Achilles | Dixie | Lace | Ryuu |
Adelphos | Dorian | Lady | Sable |
Adler | Dream | Lael | Sabre |
Admes | Duchess | Laertes | Sadie |
Adolph | Dude | Laila | Saki |
Adonis | Duke | Lancelot | Sakura |
Adrastos | Dutch | Layla | Sam |
Adrian | Dylan | Leah | Sammy |
Aeneas | Dymas | Leander | Samson |
Aetos | Eberhard | Lear | Sasha |
Agape | Ebony | Leilani | Satan |
Agatone | Echo | Leo | Satin |
Aiko | Edge | Leonidas | Satomi |
Aja | Edwin | Lieb | Satoshi |
Ajax | Egbert | Lilly | Scarlet |
Aki | Egmont | Lindy | Schatzi |
Akiko | Eiji | Lois | Schnell |
Akina | Ella | Lottie | Scout |
Akio | Ellery | Lucky | Shadow |
Akira | Emery | Lucy | Shaq |
Aladdin | Emi | Lulu | Shika |
Albert | Emmy | Luna | Shinji |
Alcander | Erasmus | Lydia | Shinju |
Alexander | Eri | Lykaios | Shinobu |
Amaterasu | Eryx | Lysander | Simba |
Anatole | Espresso | Macbeth | Siouxsie |
Andreus | Eudor | Madison | Smoky |
Andrew | Eugene | Maggie | Sofronio |
Aneko | Eugenia | Maki | Sora |
Angel | Eustace | Makoto | Soterios |
Angell | Evander | Malia | Sparky |
Angelo | Falcon | Mara | Spike |
Angus | Farrah | Masa | Stein |
Anieli | Finn | Masaru | Stephen |
Anker | Flora | Masato | Strom |
Annie | Fuji | Masayoshi | Sumiko |
Apollo | Garnet | Max | Surf |
Apostolos | Gaston | Maximus | Suzu |
Arata | Geert | Maya | Takao |
Ares | Geisha | Mayer | Talos |
Argus | George | Mayze | Tamale |
Ari | Gilbert | Megumi | Tansy |
Arion | Giles | Meka | Tarasios |
Aristo | Ginger | Melancton | Taro |
Arnold | Ginko | Mercy | Tatsuya |
Arsen | Gizmo | Merrill | Taz |
Arsenio | Gnash | Meyer | Teddy |
Artemis | Goliath | Michi | Than |
Asami | Grail | Mickey | Thanos |
Astra | Grendel | Midori | Theodore |
Asuka | Gus | Milo | Theron |
Athan | Hachiko | Minori | Thomas |
Attis | Hackett | Misaki | Tibalt |
Ayame | Hahn | Missy | Timeus |
Bailey | Hamlet | Misty | Timoleon |
Balboa | Hana | Miwa | Timon |
Baldwin | Hank | Molly | Timothy |
Bandit | Hannah | Momoka | Titus |
Bane | Happy | Monty | Toby |
Barend | Harmony | Mooka | Tomy |
Basil | Harry | Moose | Toshio |
Bastiaan | Haru | Murphy | Trojan |
Bawa | Haruka | Myles | Tucker |
Bear | Haruko | Myron | Twilight |
Beau | Haruto | Nacho | Tymon |
Belen | Hastings | Nala | Tyrone |
Bella | Hawk | Nanami | Ulbrecht |
Bemus | Hazel | Naoki | Urian |
Bergen | Helmuth | Napa | Varick |
Bernard | Herc | Narcissus | Vasilios |
Bertram | Hibiki | Nash | Vasilis |
Bingham | Hideo | Natsuki | Venus |
Biscuit | Hinata | Natsumi | Verner |
Bizen | Hiro | Navia | Vesta |
Bo | Hiroshi | Nena | Vicki |
Boggart | Hitch | Neo | Vid |
Bora | Hizoku | Nestor | Vilhelm |
Boss | Homer | Nicholas | Vivi |
Bowser | Horst | Nicodemus | Volker |
Brandeis | Hulk | Nike | Waggoner |
Brandy | Hunter | Noboru | Wakana |
Brink | Ice | Nori | Willow |
Brodie | Immie | Nyla | Winston |
Bruno | Imre | Obelix | Wishbone |
Cyril | Kasch | Rave | Asas |
Buba | Inu | Ocean | Wolverine |
Buddy | Isamu | Odysseus | Xanthus |
Burke | Itsuki | Oliver | Xenophon |
Buster | Iwa | Olympas | Xenos |
Caia | Izumi | Omar | Xylon |
Caleb | Jaala | Opal | Yale |
Calista | Jack | Orrin | Yanni |
Candy | Jackson | Osamu | Yasu |
Carter | Jada | Oscar | Yohann |
Casey | Jake | Otis | Yori |
Catie | Jasmine | Panda | Yoshi |
Ceres | Jericho | Panos | Yuju |
Champ | Jett | Panthea | Yuki |
Chance | Jetta | Payne | Yuko |
Charlie | Jezebel | Peder | Yuri |
Chelsey | Jinx | Pedro | Yuudai |
Chester | Jiro | Pepper | Yuzuki |
Chief | Johann | Persis | Zale |
Chill | Jordon | Philander | Zander |
Chiyo | Journey | Philip | Zarek |
Chloe | Jun | Phoebe | Zee |
Chouko | Juneau | Phoenix | Zefirino |
Christian | Junichi | Picasso | Zeno |
Christos | Juno | Pistol | Zenobio |
Cinder | Kadan | Platon | Zenos |
Clark | Kaede | Pokey | Zephyr |
Coco | Kahlua | Pongo | Zero |
Cody | Kahoku | Poppy | Zeth |
Cooper | Kai | Prince | Zeus |
Corban | Kaida | Princess | Zia |
Cosmo | Kaige | Priya | Zoe |
Crimson | Kaito | Ptolemy | Zoello |
Cristy | Kale | Puffball | Zoey |
Crush | Kameko | Ragnor | Zoilo |
Cupid | Kamikaze | Rain | Zorba |
Cyan | Kane | Ranger | Zosimo |
Cyrano | Karsten | Rascal | Zotico |