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Check out our male yorkie names and we are sure you will find a good name for your yorkie Terriers! Over 500 names for the Yorkshire Terrier.
Yorkshire Terriers are small in size, but big in personality. Their sweet faces and gentle demeanor make them great, little companions for anyone looking for a new pet.
Although small, this breed often doesn’t know its size and will surely vocalize when it sees unfamiliar faces—humans or canines—approaching the house.
Your Boy Yorkie might suit a name that is cute, funny, or unusual. It could even be a reflection of their personality or appearance. Or simply a traditionally human name.
We have a wonderful list to give you some great ideas…But first there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Dogs often only listen and pay close attention to the 1st syllable in a word. For example, if a person named their dog “Candy Cane”…the Male Yorkie puppy would only pay attention to the “Can”. Just saying that first syllable would get the pup’s attention. Saying the last word of “Cane” would usually not work well. Therefore, it is best to choose a name that has a strong sounding 1st syllable.
Whether you’re looking to name a Boy Yorkshire terrier puppy or a newly adopted adult dog, we’ve got a male Yorkie name for you.
Top 21 Male Yorkie Names
- Charlie
- Max
- Buddy
- Oscar
- Milo
- Archie
- Ollie
- Toby
- Jack
- Teddy
- Cooper
- Rocky
- Bear
- Bailey
- Daisy
- Jake
- Tucker
- Duke
- Abbott
- Abe
- Benji
Top 100 boy yorkie names
Adler | Chewy / Chewie | Gecko | Henry |
Admiral | Chico | Geezer | Herbert |
Aesop | Chomp | Genesis | Hercules |
Aiden | Churchill | Genghis | Hermes |
Ainsley | Cletus | Genie | Hero |
Alcott | Clyde | Genius | Higgins |
Aldous | Connor | Gentleman | Hobbit |
Alfonso | Cooper | George | Homer |
Alfred | Darcy | Germain | Hooch |
Alick | Darius | Geronimo | Hoover |
Alton | Dickens | Ghost | Hopper |
Ambassador | Dogzilla | Gibby | Howard |
Anastasio | Dozer | Giddy | Huck |
Angus | Drummond | Gideon | Hudson |
Archer | Duke | Giles | Hulk |
Archibald | Duncan | Gilligan | Ziggy |
Archie | Dylan | Gilroy | Hunter |
Argos | Edward | Gin | Iako |
Arthur | Edwin | Ginger | Iamb |
Arturo | Einstein | Gipper | Ian |
Asher | Elmer | Giro | Iassko |
Ashford | Elson | Giveit | Ibis |
Ashton | Eoin | Gizmo | Idol |
Atlas | Ethan | Gnome | Iggy |
Atticus | Euan | Gobble | Igor |
Top 100 yorkie dog names male
Magic | Prancer | Scott | Utz |
Magnus | Preston | Scout | Uzi |
Major | Prince | Scrappy | Vadim |
Malcolm | Princeton | Scruffy | Vado |
Mango | Puck | Sean | Vago |
Manny | Qantas | Seb | Valant |
Marco | Quack | Sergio | Valdo |
Mason | Quadro | Shadow | Valentino |
Matty | Quandro | Shaggy | Vali |
Max | Quark | Shane | Vamp |
Maxx | Quartus | Sheriff | Vega |
Mickey | Quartz | Sidney | Vegas |
Miles | Quasar | Simon | Victor |
Milo | Quasi | Sinclair | Vince |
Monty | Quasimodo | Spenser | Vincent |
Moose | Quebec | Spike | Vinny |
Nacho | Queen | Spud | Viper |
Napoleon | Quendo | Stinky | Virgil |
Nash | Quentin | Stryker | Vito |
Navajo | Quento | Taco | Volt |
Ned | Querro | Tango | Voodoo |
Neil | Quick | Tank | Voss |
Nelson | Quinci | Taro | Vulcan |
Nemo | Quincy | Tarzan | Wacky |
Nero | Quinn | Tate | Wag |
Top 100+ Yorkie boy dog names
Atworth | Evan | Godfather | Ike |
Augustus | Fabio | Godzilla | Indy |
Axel | Falcon | Goliath | Iron |
Bailey | Fang | Gomer | Ishtar |
Barclay | Felix | Gonzo | Isko |
Barrett | Ferb | Goober | Iso |
Bartley | Fidel | Goofy | Ivan |
Beckham | Fido | Goose | Izzy |
Beethoven | Finn | Gopher | Jack |
Beiste | Flash | Grayson | Jackson |
Benji | Fletch | Gremlin | Jaffa |
Bentley | Fletcher | Grizzly | Jag |
Berkeley | Flint | Groucho | Jake |
Berlin | Floyd | Grover | James |
Bernard | Flynn | Grunge | Jango |
Billy | Forbes | Guido | Janus |
Blake | Ford | Guinness | Jason |
Blakeley | Forest | Gumbo | Jasper |
Bond | Fox | Gumby | Jax |
Boris | Frank | Gunner | Jay |
Branson | Frankie | Gunther | Jazz |
Brently | Franklin | Guru | Jerry |
Briar | Fred | Gus | Jesse |
Brice | Freddie | Gyro | Jester |
Britton | Fritz | Hades | Jet |
Broderick | Frodo | Hamilton | Joey |
Brutus | Fur-Dinand | Hamish | Jogger |
Bryce | Gabbar | Hamlet | Jojo |
Buddy | Gabe | Hammer | Julius |
Burhbank | Gabriel | Hank | Killer |
Byron | Gadget | Hannibal | King |
Caden | Gage | Hans | Kingsley |
Caesar | Galahad | Hansel | Kingston |
Calhoun | Galileo | Hardy | Kirk |
Carlson | Gambit | Harley | Kong |
Carlton | Gambler | Harper | Leo |
Carlyle | Gandalf | Harris | Liam |
Carmichael | Gandhi | Harry | Logan |
Carter | Gannon | Hart | Louis |
Chandler | Garfield | Harvey | Lucas |
Charles | Garlic | Hash | Lucus |
Charlie | Gaspar | Hawk | Mac |
Chattan | Gator | Hawkeye | Macho |
Chester | Gatsby | Hayden | Mack |
Chewbarka | Gavin | Hector | Maddock |
Top 100+ male yorkie puppy names
Newt | Quinto | Tattoo | Wags |
Newton | Quirin | Taurus | Waldo |
Nike | Quirk | Teddy | Walker |
Ninja | Quito | Terror | Wallace |
Nixon | Quixote | Theo | Wally |
Noah | Ragnar | Thomas | Walnut |
Nobel | Rambo | Thor | Walter |
Noel | Rango | Thumper | Walton |
Nolan | Raymond | Tiger | Warhol |
Nugget | Reagan | Titan | Warlock |
Oakley | Reggie | Tito | Warrior |
Odin | Rex | Titus | Webster |
Odysseus | Rick | Toby | Willie |
Olaf | Rico | Tom | Wilson |
Oli | Riggs | Tomas | Windsor |
Oliver | Ringo | Tommy | Winston |
Ollie | Rocco | Tony | Wolf |
Omega | Rock | Tornado | Wolfgang |
Onyx | Rockwell | Toro | Xylon |
Opal | Rodney | Toto | woody |
Orion | Roman | Tracker | Wrangler |
Oscar | Romeo | Truman | Wrigley |
Otis | Ronnie | Tyson | Xago |
Otto | Zeus | Ubu | Xander |
Owen | Rory | Udo | Xandro |
Oxford | Roscoe | Ufo | Xandy |
Paco | Rover | Ugor | Xanthus |
Paddy | Roy | Uko | Xanto |
Pal | Rufus | Ulani | Xaros |
Pan | Rupert | Uli | Xarras |
Panda | Rusty | Ultimo | Xarro |
Panther | Ryan | Ultra | Xato |
Paris | Saber | Ulysses | Xaver |
Parker | Sailor | Umberto | Xavier |
Paton | Sally | Uncle | Xello |
Patrick | Sam | Xray | Xelo |
Paws | Sammy | Undo | Xena |
Pax | Samson | Union | Xeno |
Pepper | Samuel | Uno | Xenon |
Pete | Sandy | Uranus | Xento |
Phillip | Santo | Urban | Xerox |
Plato | Sawyer | Uri | Xerro |
Pollux | Scooby | Uriel | Xerxes |
Popeye | Scooter | Uris | Ximo |
Porkchop | Scotch | Ustinov | Xocco |