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Finding names for Poodle dogs is not an easy task. Discover best and funny Female Poodle names. Gigi, Daisy, Chloe, Olive, Zoey, Gertrude, Lucy, Dakota…
If you’re welcoming a Poodle into your home, check out these awesome Poodle dog names for your new pup.
Whether you’re trying to name a French Poodle or a newly adopted adult dog, we’ve got the perfect poodle name for you. Poodles are one of the most popular dog breeds of all time for a reason. Their winning personality, stylish appearance and many sizes make them a welcome addition to any family.
Read through our lists of the most popular, best, and cutest names for a toy, miniature, and standard dog names for Poodles below.
Female Poodle names
Admiral | Edith | Kat | Pax |
Affinity | Effie | Katherine | Peanut |
Agatha | Einstein | Kaya | Pearl |
Agnes | Elaine | Kayla | Pebbles |
Aida | Eliza | Keiko | Penelope |
Ainsley | Ella | Kiki | Penny |
Alanis | Ellie | Kimmy | Perm |
Alexia | Elsa | Kira | Petunia |
Alexis | Elsie | Kona | Phoebe |
Ali | Elvira | Kong | Pia |
Alice | Emma | Kujo | Pinot |
Alma | Emmy | Kyle | Piper |
Amanda | Equity | Kyra | Pirouette |
Amaretto | Ethan | Lady | Pixie |
Amber | Ethel | Lassie | Polly |
Amelia | Eva | Laura | Pooh |
Amy | Evangeline | Lauralee | Poppy |
Angel | Evelyn | Laurel | Princess |
Angelica | Evita | Lauren | Prissy |
Annabelle | Faberge | Lava Lips | Prudence |
Annie | Fairy | Laverne | Quadra |
April | Faith | Leia | Quadriga |
Ariel | Fallon | Lexi | Que |
Aspen | Fanny | Licorice | Queenie |
Astrid | Fanta | Lilo | Quess |
Girl Poodle names
Audrey | Farrah | Lily | Quiff |
Aurora | Fauna | Linda | Quincy |
Autumn | Faye | Linen | Rebecca |
Baby | Felicia | Lisa | Reno |
Bailey | Fifi | Lola | Rhonda |
Barbra | Flirt | Lottie | Rhubarb |
Baroness | Flora | Louie | Ria |
Basil | Foxy | Lovey | Ribbons |
Bass | Fran | Lucy | Rickie |
Bea | Frannie | Luna | Rihana |
Beatrice | Gabby | Lux | Riley |
Bebe | Garbo | Macy | Rocky |
Bella | Gemma | Maddie | Rose |
Benny | Genevieve | Maddy | Rosemary |
Bessie | Georgia | Madison | Rosetta |
Beth | Gertie | Maggie | Rosie |
Betty | Gertrude | Maisie | Roxy |
Betty White | Giddy | Maisy | Sabine |
Bianca | Gidget | Mallory | Sadie |
Biscuit | Gigi | Mandy | Salem |
Bluebell | Gina | Margaret | Sally |
Bonnie | Ginny | Martha | Samantha |
Boots | Glamour | Martina | Sarah |
Boston | Greta | Maui | Sasha |
Bounty | Gwen | Maxi | Savannah |
Female Poodle dog names
Brie | Gypsy | Meadow | Scab |
Cabaret | Hanna | Meg | Scarlette |
Callie | Hannah | Melody | Scraps |
Camilla | Harlequin | Mia | Seth |
Carla | Harper | Milda | Shady Lady |
Cashmere | Harriet | Milly | Shelly |
Cassie | Harry | Mimi | Simone |
Chanel | Hazel | Minnie | Snowy |
Chardonay | Heather | Missy | Sophia |
Charlie | heidi | Mittens | Sophie |
Charlotte | Helena | Molly | Spirals |
Cher | Hercules | Mon Cher | Stella |
Chloe | Hershey | Muppet | Sugar |
Clara | Hetty | Nadina | Susanne |
Claudia | Hilda | Nala | Sushi |
Clementine | Hobbes | Nanette | Tess |
Coco | Hollywood | Nani | Theodora |
Constance | Honey | Nanna | Tilly |
Crystal | Howler | Nano | Tina |
Cuddles | Iassko | Nara | Tish |
Curly | Ibar | Natalia | Toni |
Daisy | Ibas | Nessa | Tootsie |
Dakota | Ibbo | Nevaeh | Tracy |
Dana | Ibert | Nola | Trinity |
Daphne | Ibikus | Noodle | Trudy |
Girl dog names for Poodles
Darcy | Ibis | Noodles | Truffles |
Darla | Iris | Nora | Tulip |
Darling | Isla | Novella | Tundra |
Dawn | Izzy | Nugget | Twiggy |
Deb | Jacqueline | Nutmeg | Twilight |
Debbie | Jade | Nyla | Tyra |
Delilah | Jan | Nymph | Ubu |
Della | Jane | Oceanus | Uda |
Denise | Janice | Octavia | Ula |
Desiree | Jazz | Odessa | Ulrich |
Destiny | Jeannie | Odetta | Uma |
Devon | Jeep | Odette | Umberto |
Diana | Jelly | Okie | Una |
Dixie | Jenna | Oksana | Uncle |
Dolche | Jenny | Olive | Undo |
Dolly | Jess | Olivia | Unicorn |
Donna | Jessie | Ollie | Uriel |
Dottie | Jetta | Orchid | Ushi |
Drake | Jillian | Orla | Val |
Drusilla | Jojo | Ozzie | Vania |
Duchess | Josie | Paisley | Vega |
Duke | Judy | Panda | Vegas |
Dylan | Juliet | Patch | Vella |
Ebony | Jumbo | Patsy | Velma |
Eden | Karma | Patty | Venice |
Windy | Webster | Willow | Walla |
Winni | Wednesday | Willy | Willa |
Winston | Wenda | Windsor | Victoria |
Wynn | Wendy | Wallis | Vienna |
Yasmin | Whiskey | Wally | Violet |
Zara | Whisper | Wavy | Viva |
Zelda | Whoopi | Zoe | Vogue |
Zinnia | Wiggles | Zoey | Waldo |