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Search best dog names for your shar pei. Discover list of cute and good shar pei names for male and female dog.
The Shar-Pei breed originated in China, which might have you thinking of naming your Shar-Pei a name related to the breed or it’s heritage.
The Shar Pei dog is a funny looking dog that is primarily known for its deep wrinkles, brown skin, and excessively black tongue.
Possessing short and rough coat, these dogs start off as young pups with what looks like excessive loose skin, and eventually grow into it as they get older.
Coming in a wide variety of color from red, fawn, black, brown, and cream, the Shar Pei was named as one of the rarest dog breeds in TIME Magazine.
Notes on naming Shar pei dogs names
- Choose a Shar pei dog Name That Ends With a Vowel.
- Stick With Two Syllables.
- Avoid Names With Negative Connotations.
- Don’t Pick One That Might Get Confused With Commands.
- Choose A Shar pei Name That’s Unlike Your Other Pets.
- Think Of Your Dog’s Personality.
- Choose a Name And Stick With It.
- Don’t give a name based on negative personality traits.
- Don’t make it something embarrassing to have to yell out.
- The dog’s name should be used as soon as possible.
Selecting a name for your dog can be a difficult experience as you ponder names that fit your dog. It can be easy to select a name, but perhaps you want the name to be associated with the breed, China, characteristics of your dog, or all of the above.
Top 25 Female Shar-Pei Names
- Bella
- Luna
- Lucy
- Harley
- Lola
- Nala
- Ellie
- Zoe
- Daisy
- Coco
- Lily
- Sadie
- Millie
- Molly
- Bailey
- Abby
- Ada
- Athena
- Sherry
- Kali
- Cindy
- Trudy
- Grace
- Aurora
- Sarah
Top 25 male Shar-Pei Names
- Bear
- Max
- Bailey
- Sam
- Charlie
- Duke
- Cooper
- Oliver
- Buddy
- Oscar
- Milo
- Archie
- Ollie
- Toby
- Jack
- Teddy
- Rocky
- Bailey
- Daisy
- Jake
- Tucker
- Abbott
- Abe
- Benji
- Kissy
200 Best Chinese shar pei dog names female
Amelia | Glory | Leena | Quixi |
Audrey | Goldie | Lacie | Quorra |
Ava | Gracie | Mae | Rasta |
Agnes | Gretchen | Magic | Ray |
Astrid | Gretel | Mali | Raya |
Agatha | Gucci | Marge | Raylene |
Aida | Gaia | Marlo | Reena |
Alice | Hera | Margo | Regal |
Alma | Hermione | Margot | Regan |
Amanda | Halley | Marsha | Reika |
Bear | Hallie | Martini | Reina |
Blaze | Halo | Mary | Rella |
Bebe | Icco | Necie | Sandy |
Bella | Ice | Neesha | Sassy |
Daisy | Ice | Nena | Scarlett |
Buffy | Happy | Nakita | Serena |
Della | Iceberg | Neontea | Sidney |
Baby | harmony | Nakona | Spice |
Bailey | Haven | Naoisha | Star |
Basil | Hayden | Nasha | Sue |
Bea | Icarus | Naturi | Sweet |
Destiny | Icey | Naina | Tabby |
Delilah | Ickas | Ollie | Tabitha |
Daphne | Icke | Ohana | Taboo |
Dottie | Idol | Olga | Tala |
Darla | Ido | Otto | Tami |
Darcy | Idem | Osita | Tamira |
Dakota | Jade | Odelia | Tamy |
Eartha | Jasmine | Ola | Tango |
Easter | Jackie | Olinda | Tanka |
Ebba | Jana | Olympia | Tannie |
Eclipse | Jane | Oprah | Ulo |
Edda | Jeannie | Piglet | Ulric |
Electra | Jelly | Pinky | Ultimo |
Eleni | Jenna | Pippa | Umba |
Elisa | Jenny | Princess | Uris |
Elisabeth | Kama | Priscilla | Urkan |
Faith | Kia | Pallas | Uskan |
Fallon | Karen | Paloma | Ustinov |
Fanny | Kayla | Pammy | Utha |
Farrah | Keelin | Paradise | Uzi |
Fauna | Kei | Pasha | Vikki |
Fawn | Keisha | Quina | Viky |
Feather | Kendra | Quinella | Vilbe |
Fendi | Kenya | Quinny | Vilga |
Fergie | Lucia | Quinsy | Vilja |
Flo | Laney | Quinta | Vilma |
Gigi | LambChop | Quiny | Vima |
Ginger | Lexus | Quira | Vinja |
Gloria | Littlefoot | Quitte | Vinka |
400 Best Chinese shar pei dog names male
Face | Ina | Oslo | Terror |
Fagan | Index | Oswald | Thomas |
Falcon | Indian | Othello | Thor |
Fang | Indiana | Otis | Thumper |
Farley | Indigo | Otto | Tiger |
Fats | Indy | Outlaw | Titan |
Felix | Inferno | Owen | Titus |
Fender | Iron | Ozzie | Toby |
Ferb | Iroquois | Ozzy | Tony |
Fidel | Ishtar | Paco | Tornado |
Fido | Isidor | Paddy | Toro |
Fighter | Isko | Pal | Toto |
Fiji | Iso | Pan | TOTO |
Finn | Ivan | Panda | Udo |
Flash | Ivanhoe | Panther | Ugor |
Fletch | Ives | Parker | Uko |
Fletcher | Izzy | Pepper | Ulani |
Flicker | Jack | Plato | Uli |
Flint | Jackson | Pollux | Ultra |
Flip | Jaffa | Popeye | Umbro |
Florentino | Jag | Prince | Uncle |
Floyd | Jake | Puck | Undo |
Flynn | James | Qantas | Unico |
Ford | Jango | Quack | United |
Forest | Janus | Quadro | Unkas |
Forrest | Jason | Quark | Unno |
Foster | Jasper | Quartz | Untox |
Fox | Jax | Quasar | Uris |
Francisco | Jay | Quasi | Ustinov |
Frank | Jazz | Quasimodo | Utz |
Frankie | Jeremy | Queen | Uzi |
Franklin | Jerry | Quentin | Vadim |
Fred | Jesse | Quick | Vado |
Freddy | Jester | Quincy | Vago |
Fredrick | Jet | Quinn | Valant |
Freebie | Jimmy | Quinto | Valdo |
Fritz | Joey | Quirk | Valentino |
Frodo | Jojo | Quito | Vamp |
Fudge | Mac | Quixote | Vegas |
Fynn | Macho | Ragnar | Victor |
Gabriel | Mack | Ralph | Victor |
Gadget | Magic | Rambo | Vince |
Galileo | Magnus | Ramses | Viper |
Gambler | Major | Rango | Virgil |
Gandhi | Malcolm | Raymond | Wacky |
Garfield | Mango | Reagan | Wag |
Gator | Manny | Reggie | Wags |
Gatsby | Marco | Remus | Waldo |
Gavin | Mason | Reno | Walker |
Genesis | Max | Rex | Wallace |
Genghis | Miles | Rick | Walnut |
Genie | Milo | Rico | Walter |
Genius | Monty | Riggs | Walton |
George | Nacho | Ringo | Warhol |
Geronimo | Namo | Rocco | Warlock |
Ghost | Napoleon | Rock | Warren |
Gideon | Nash | Rodeo | Warrior |
Gilligan | Nate | Rodney | Watson |
Gin | Nathan | Roland | Wayne |
Ginger | Navajo | Roman | Webster |
Giveit | Ned | Ron | Wendell |
Gizmo | Neil | Ronnie | Wesley |
Goliath | Nemo | Roosevelt | Whiskey |
Gomer | Nero | Rosco | Whitey |
Gonzo | Newt | Roscoe | Willie |
Goober | Newton | Rover | Woodstock |
Goose | Nick | Rowdy | Wrangler |
Gremlin | Nico | Roy | Wrigley |
Grover | Nike | Rufus | Xago |
Guido | Ninja | Rupert | Xander |
Gus | Nixon | Rusty | Xandro |
Hades | Noah | Ryan | Xandy |
Hamlet | Nobel | Saber | Xanthus |
Hammer | Noel | Sailor | Xanto |
Hank | Nolan | Sally | Xaros |
Hansel | Norbert | Sam | Xarras |
Harley | Nugget | Samson | Xarro |
Harper | Oakley | Samuel | Xasko |
Harris | Oberon | Sandy | Xato |
Hart | Odie | Santo | Xaver |
Harvey | Odin | Sawyer | Xavier |
Hash | Odysseus | Scooby | Xell |
Hayden | Olaf | Scooter | Xello |
Hector | Ole | Scotch | Xelo |
Henry | Olga | Scott | Xena |
Hercules | Olive | Scout | Xendo |
Homer | Oliver | Scrappy | Xenia |
Hudson | Olivia | Scruffy | Xenio |
Hunter | Ollie | Shadow | Xenno |
Ian | Omar | Shaggy | Xeno |
Ibis | Omega | Shane | Xenon |
Ibo | Onyx | Sheriff | Xento |
Icko | Opal | Sidney | Xeres |
Icon | Ophelia | Simon | Xerox |
Idol | Orbit | Spike | Xerro |
Iggy | Oren | Tango | Xerxes |
Igo | Oreo | Taro | Ximo |
Igor | Orion | Tarzan | Xocco |
Ike | Orlando | Tattoo | Xray |
Ikon | Oscar | Taurus | Xylon |